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February 23, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Europe Gets A Better Metroid: Samus Returns Than North America

Last week at E3 Nintendo announced Metroid: Samus Returns for the 3DS. I was extremly happy about this as Metroid is a jewel for the Nintendo brand. you can see the trailer below.

This is great but what and everything for an exception to one thing, there special edition. North America gets a special edition that includes the soundtrack while in Europe their special edition or legacy edition includes a steel book cover that looks like the Gameboy Cartridge, a badge, an art book, a morph ball key-chain, CD soundtrack. There is no news if this edition comes to anywhere else outside Europe. There is also no price point as well. but what ever the case is I feel like I getting nothing here looks like I’m either going to spend the extra money in shipping to purchase the legacy edition or just get the standard edition. The special edition in North America is not worth the asking price of 10 bucks more than the standard edition. Picture below is the legacy edition of Metroid: Samus Returns.

Metroid: Samus Returns Legacy Edition

In any rate what do you guys think about this will you be spending the extra money to get this edition or are you just going to settle with the standard edition. Or are you going to get the special edition.