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January 24, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Monster Hunter World’s Beta Is Almost Here

Hey MagGamers and Monster Hunter fans! As the title expresses, the Monster Hunter World Beta is closing in fast with just 7 days left until beta launch. Unfortunately MH fans outside the PlayStation Nation (Yes Playstation 4 users, PlayStation Plus is required) will not get a chance at the up and coming beta dropping December 9th, 2017 through December 12th, 2017 (times may vary, set schedule confirmed in the photo above). You can even preload the beta Friday December 8th, 2017.

Though with the official release of MH World on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One over a month away and PC’s launch date still unannounced, there is still no telling if another beta could be held before then. So keep your hopes up Xbox One and PC Monster Hunter fans.

Here are a few videos below to get you hyped for the beta.

Monster Hunter World- Hunting 101:

Monster Hunter World- TGS 2017 Trailer:

Monster Hunter World- Rotten Vale Trailer:

Now I know personally I’ll be putting in as many man hours possible during the beta, how about you? What are you hoping to see or get to do during the beta? Leave your answers in the comments below.

Monster Hunter World releases January 26th, 2017 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For more on the title and everything gaming, keep it locked right here on MagGamer.