Words from the street that there will be a XCOM look alike game coming in.
It’s better be good , especially coming from a gang which include some former HITMAN lead members and another fugitive (designer) from PAYDAY.
I ain’t no wasting my time and precious “dough” on a dope game; better make sure the game is worth my time, or else…….
You’re telling me the game is different ?! Don’t you freaking lie to me.
I already knew that it is a turn-based tactical combat game, you telling me as if I never played XCOM before.
Duh…… No different from XCOM as the game also has real-time stealth to sneak and surprise the enemies.
Whoa…. You telling me the characters are all mutants (got duck-like and boar-like mutant)?? You gotta be kidding me??!!
You have my attention. I will get my men looking into it.
And if you heard anything new on the streets, I want to be the first to know.
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