As the title suggests, a new lineup of PlayStation’s monthly subscription service has been announced again, and with it some changes you might want to know.
But first, let’s get into the games coming this month because this month might just be one of the best months to this date, or it’s at least in my Top 3. The 2nd one being the world-known and incredibly fun soccer/football driving… thing… it’s Rocket League — which was in the lineup July 2015, and the 1st one being the December 2014 lineup where we got the acclaimed fighter from NetherRealm Studios, Injustice: Gods Among Us and the Hitman Trilogy for the PS3.
But… this month might knock the king off its thrown because this month we have the award-winning PS exclusive, horror, and action RPG, Bloodborne.

And following Bloodborne, is the return of Rachet & Clank, developed by Insomniac Games — the developers in charge of the new and amazing-looking, Marvel’s Spider-Man.

Along with these blockbusters among games, we have, of course, the PS3 and Vita titles (and cross-buy titles too).
We start off with Legend of Kay for the PS3.
Next, Mighty No. 9 for the PS3 (cross-buy with the PS4).
And the two finals are Claire: Extended Cut and Bombing Busters, both for Vita and as cross-buy titles for the PS4.
But now, to the thing every PlayStation 3 and Vita gamers with a PS Plus subscription. PlayStation has announced that the free titles for the PS3 console and the Vita will end March 8, 2019 — so, in a year from now, we’ll not receive any new or old titles supporting PS3 or PS Vita.
Let me know what you think in the comments below!
As this affects a large PlayStation fanbase, who to my knowledge loved the fact and even supported PS Plus because they still got titles for their preferred device.
It’s fair to say that some will be outraged, even cancelling their subscription because of this move by Sony, but likewise, there are many who are okay with it.
I’m one of them — mainly because of two reasons:
- 1st one being, I don’t play Vita, although I somewhat wished I had, because there have been some amazing games for it in the last two years of lineups.
- And 2nd being, I mostly play on the newer consoles, having already bought most of the games I’m going to buy for my PS3.
But, let me know what you think! Is this outrageous? Do you still play Vita or the PS3 for the matter? Are you okay with this change?
Frederik Becker
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