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February 18, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

343 says Halo Will always Have Split Screen From Now On

Halo 5 Guardians got a lot of backlash from the fact that it lacked a feature that people liked about halo, split screen.

I never really had an xbox, so i never really played halo a lot, but any time i did play it, it was always because of split screen.

Playing anything else just didn’t feel right, cause yea we could take turns playing single player, we could play another game, but it always ended back to Halo.

Its as if they went hand in hand.

Gaming has been evolving to a point where it’s discouraging people playing on the same room, or at least on the same system.

Instead it’s all about multiplayer.

And while that ain’t bad, were getting less and less reasons to come hang out and have fun with friends that isn’t watching netflix, and it looks like the backlash for Halo 5 might help change that

343 Founder Bonnie Ross had stated that halo games they make from now on will all include split screen moving forward.

This will hopefully keep this feature alive for years to come, and visiting a friends house won’t seem so boring in the future.