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February 23, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Bolivian Government Files Formal Complaint To French Embassy

Ghost Recon Wildlands being set in a drug infested Bolivia, didn’t go well with the Bolivian Government.

The Bolivian Government filed a formal complaint to the French Embassy in La Paz, which involved the new Ubisoft Game Releasing soon, Ghost Recon Wild Lands.

Having Bolivia being depicted as a drug infested hell hole, doesn’t seem like something they would be ok with.

Bolivia’s Interior Minister Carlos Romero has stated that Bolivia has officially asked that the French government intervene. Romero also believes that Bolivia has the standing to take legal action, though stated “at first we prefer to go the route of diplomatic negotiation”

Ubisoft did give them a statement saying that they chose Bolivia for its “magnificent landscapes and rich culture” meaning that the rest was just a work of fiction and not intended to be a sort of commentary on Bolivia as a whole.

It is kinda hard to ignore how deeply ingrained the Cartel is in every facet on Bolivia’s infrastructure, From Drugs, to Military Power, to even Religion.

It’s hard not to see where the Bolivian Government is coming from, yet at the same time, games are fiction, and are not meant to be taken so seriously, as mentioned in previous articles, players will probably overlook the depiction of bolivia since they would be having so much fun, it probably wouldn’t register, it’s not like that by the end of the game they’re going to be thinking “ Man, i never want to go to Bolivia since this is what it’s like”

I would be surprised if any thought close to that would enter anyone’s mind.

Well Ghost Recon is only a few hours away from Releasing, so i guess we will see how this turns out