Ubisoft just released the first trailer for Far Cry 5
This trailer… I shouldn’t get too excited, but I can’t help myself in this particular situation. First off all the love to Sony in this trailer, but it’s not exclusive to them. Far Cry 5 will launch on the Xbox One and PC on February 27th of 2018 right alongside the Playstation 4. Second the story in the way this trailer depicts it has me very excited to experience the final draft. Hope County, Montana USA. A Preacher controls the flow of power over the local inhabitants. A resistance wants to make sure the people remain safe and no longer fearing life. Just a snippet of what makes this story intriguing. Not much is known about who the actual main antagonist is as we didn’t see much of him in the trailer, we do know that he believes the end of the world is fast approaching. He feels that he can’t trust the government, wants to create a society that can be controlled by Edens Gate. His followers will stop at nothing to protect him and the cause. Propaganda is perpetuated onto the followers so that they believe the story of the end of times. They have also revealed three trailers for a few of the resistance members.
Mary May
Pastor Jerome Jeffries
Nick Rye
Now that we have all that information to divulge in, I want to take a look at how great this world is.
Fishing with man’s best friend
Nick Rye
Lakeside Pier
The Father Preaches
Is that a bear?
More information will be presented at E3 2017. Ubisoft’s conference will be held on June 12 at 1:00 PM PDT
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