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February 18, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Mass Effect: Andromeda Review Roundup

We are one day away from reaching the Andromeda galaxy and as such, reviews have started to pour in for Bioware’s popular space epic. Although, this time, it may not be as epic as we might have hoped. Shepard may be long gone but here’s what the remaining members of the milky way have to say.

IGN – 7.7

“Mass Effect: Andromeda only occasionally recaptures the series’ brilliance, but delivers a vast and fun action-RPG.”

Dan Stapleton

Polygon – 7.5

“There’s a lot of roughness throughout the game [but] Andromeda Succeeds, despite a host of problems.”

Arthur Gies

Gamespot – 6

“In many ways, Andromeda feels like a vision half-fulfilled. It contains a dizzying amount of content, but the quality fluctuates wildly. Its worlds and combat shine, but its writing and missions falter.”

Scott Butterworth

Destructoid – 6.5

“Mass Effect: Andromeda spends a lot of time not really feeling like a Mass Effect game. If anything, it feels like a spin-off — the sort of thing created by another studio that’s unsure about what direction to take it.”

Brett Makedonski

PC Gamer – 8

“Marred by inconsistency and in need of a polish pass, this vast new sci-fi frontier nonetheless rewards dedicated exploration.”

Chris Thursten

Eurogamer – No Score (Not recommended or essential)

“The combat crackles and the worlds are lush, but mediocre writing and tepid quests add up to what is probably BioWare’s worst RPG yet.”

Edwin Evans-Thirlwell

It seems like the Andromeda galaxy is one worth exploring although not without its fair share of issues. This is the start of a new trilogy after all, where it might take us, only time will tell.