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January 21, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Sucker Punch’s Next New Franchise Wields a Blade

Paris Games Week has taken way and loads of information has been spilling out for all gamers to enjoy. Sucker Punch is well known for the Infamous series that has been exclusive to the PlayStation platform. However, they finally unveiled their newest project at PGW which takes you away from their popular Infamous franchise and places you in futile Japan with the samurai. Check out the trailer just below.

Ghost of Tsushima PGW Trailer:

Now I don’t know about you but that trailer alone has me wanting more from this title. Ghost of Tsushima will be an action adventure stealth game focused on the year 1274 of futile Japan, in the island Tsushima and during the invasion of the Mongul Army. Sucker Punch goes more in-depth with information found below in their interview video, check it out.

Ghost of Tsushima Interview:

I think the open world aspect of the game should prove glorious by Sucker Punch, as Infamous was known for its open world gameplay. The fighting mechanics and more detailed story/plot information will be key to seeing where this next title will go. It has my attention, does it have yours? Why or why not? Leave your comments below.

For more on Ghost of Tsushima and everything gaming, keep it locked right here on MagGamer.