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February 18, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

The Come Up | Weekly Deals of March 7th – 13th.

The Come Up has all your video Game deals of thw week. check it out and Game on.

It’s that time again guys and gals! It’s time for the weekly deals! We have some really awesome deals for you this time around! So Lets get right into it!


As like the last two weeks EA is still having their deals still on the Playstation network. However they did add more titles to the list! They have added: Dragon Age: Inquisition – game of the year edition, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2, Unravel, and more! So if you haven’t already check it out then what are you waiting for? Go check it out now!!/en-us/ea-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-EAPUBSALE

Grand Thief Auto V is on sale for 50% off. Also all the DLC for it is on sale too! So if you haven’t already picked up this game yet this might be the best time to do so! Check it out!!/en-us/grand-theft-auto-v-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-GTAVSALEG

505 games is having a sale also on the playstation network! With titles like Payday 2, Sniper Elite, Terraria, and much more with discounts up to 85% off! This is a huge deal! Better get on this while its here! This is something you don’t want to miss out on!!/en-us/505-games-publisher-sale/cid=STORE-MSF77008-505STUPUBS


This week Xbox has a great dealing going. Get a Free controller plus a game for free when you buy certain Xboxone systems. For more information on this check out the following link.

EA is also having a publisher sale too! With games up to 80%! Games like Battlefield 1, Fifa17, Titanfall 2, Starwars Battlefront, Madden 17, Unravel, and so much more! You gotta get on these sales now! This is one huge and amazing sale! Better get on it!

This week also we have more anime games on sale! Games such as, Dragon Ball Zenoverse 2 and Deluze Edition, One Piece burning blood, and gold edition! If you’re a DBZ, or One piece fan this is the time to do your self a favor and get these really awesome games!

PC Gaming:

EA is also having a huge sale with Origin! New and Old games a like! Every single game is on sale right now! Games like The Sims 4, Battlefield 1, Dragon age, fifa 17, Starwars battlefront, Need for Speed, Unravel, and so many more that I can’t even list them all. This right here is one of the greatest deals going on right now! PC gamers rejoice and take advantage of these amazing deals! This is the time to start filling your collections up! Get over there now and check it out!

Free Game Of The Week:
Smite is a 3rd person MOBA style action player vs play game. You take the role of gods fighting it out amound other god. This crazy mix of hero leveling, 3rd person action, and item combinations make a fun mix for anyone to enjoy! If you are into MOBA style games like league of legends, or DotA 2. And also like 3rd person view games. Check this game out! It’s for playstation, Xbox, and PC! What are you waiting for? Head on over to their website to find out more!