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February 23, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Everything Sony E3 2018 Press Conference

This is…

Everything Sony Brought to E3 2018!

With a sweet transition of a high school-ish kiss, we’re in a swamp, choking a guy with our knife all while being able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of a murky forest.

It’s, of course…

The Last of Us II

In-Between Games

In-between games we’re talking about… Black Ops 4 and the Destiny 2 Expansion!

Moving straight along we’re captured by a man playing, what I believe, is some kind of awesome flute, revealing…

Ghost of Tsushima

Gorgeous, vibrant, brutal, powerful… are just some of the many words I could use to describe Ghost of Tsushima… But, God this looks amazing!


In-Between Games

For this in-betweener, we’re looking at Resident Evil a possible remaster? Trover Saves the Universe by Justin Roiland, the co-creator behind Rick and Morty and Kingdom Hearts 3. And an-all-in one package of the Kingdom Hearts games.

PlayStation also announced a new game, Control — which indeed looks awesome with its nanobyte-technology-thingy…

Jumping from remaster to game to another game, we’re finally talking about the anticipated PlayStation exclusive and really, really weird game…

Death Stranding

In-Between Games

Nioh 2 sneaking its way into the Sony E3 after Death Stranding.

It’s comic-ly, quirky, it’s amazing, and it’s…


As the Sony/PlayStation E3 Press Conference just ended we’re left with wonder, questions, excitement, and anticipation…

But my question to you guys is…

What did you like from the show? Which game or games are your wallet NOT looking forward to releasing?

Tell me in the comments below!


Frederik Becker 

[email protected]