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October 24, 2024

Movement Across the Globe

My Experience With Metal Gear Online 3

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain was the very last directed and produced Hidieo Kojima game in the Metal Gear Solid series to be developed by Kojima Productions and published by Konami Digital Entertainment. The game however did feature a competitive multiplayer called Metal Gear Online 3, which used the same gameplay mechanics and offered a few game modes played across a few maps. It was also a class based third person tactical shooter offering three playable class types. The class types were Scout (recon/sniper), Enforcer (tank/aggressor) and Infiltrator (stealth/CQC specialist). The game allowed for opportunities of both stealth and aggressive play styles across every character all depending on how you situated your loadouts. You were only allowed to pick one class to use for the full duration of each match, which made you sure to choose wisely. Game modes in short ranged from Bounty Hunter (TDM with a twist), Sabotage (fulton or destroy the missile), Comm Control (capture and hold the points) and last but not least Cloak and Dagger (capture and deliver the disk). The multiplayer wasn’t perfect as it did hit a few bumps in the road and was even negatively viewed by the fans in certain aspects. However it did receive plenty of fan/player made tournaments over the PlayStation 4 especially and an eSports League (ESL) tournament that lasted about three months which was also featured exclusively for the PlayStation 4 console. I personally alongside my teammates participated in all but one tournament (the very last fan/player made tournament to be exact) and completely enjoyed what would be the very first game title I would partake in a tournament setting for in my entire gamer life (yes, for me the hype was real). I throughly enjoyed my journey regardless of me and my teams victories or losses. The experience was amazing especially with such a well known franchise regardless of its “parents” disagreements. As a fan of SOCOM, the game was easy to fall in love with since much of what I experienced in SOCOM could be found in the DNA of Metal Gear Online 3. Also setting up traps to bait players into was always a blast for me on SOCOM and it was just as great on MGO3. Though the leaderboards were solely a scoreboard and not really based on the full break down of skill to its entirety to calm the top of each game mode’s leaderboards; it still felt great putting forth the effort and raising both in personal skill and leaderboard positioning. I currently actually hold in the top 1000 players on the Sabotage game mode’s leaderboard. Though there wasn’t enough love overall on the Meat Gear Online 3 portion of MGSV: The Phantom Pain, what if offered and being able to experience it was still a great thing. I would actually still recommend players to tryout MGSV: The Phantom Pain to its entirety. Have you played MGSV: The Phantom Pain’s competitive multiplayer Metal Gear Online 3? If so, what did you enjoy about it? Let’s leave your answers in the comments. Metal Gear Online 3 is available right now with the purchase of any version (standard or definitive experience) of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. For more on Metal Gear Solid V or Metal Gear Online 3, be sure to keep it locked right here on MagGamer.