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February 23, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

Overwatch Capture the Rooster mode to have possible update and become official Arcade Mode

With the Year of The Rooster event in Overwatch, the edition of their version of capture the flag was a welcomed addition, and in the community update video Jeff Kaplan had stated that in the future they might make changes to capture the rooster and make it into a more official mode.

However this doesn’t mean that the mode will make it onto quick play let alone competitive, but it will probably be expanded on and be available on more maps down the line and maybe even removed as a brawl and being a legitimate mode, whether or not it will still be called capture the rooster after the event has passed though remains to be seen.

The mode has already been a good change of pace from the usual modes so its nice that Blizzard is simply not going to bury it with the rest of the Brawls.

Now we just need them to say that they will be expanding on the coop mode they introduced back toward the Halloween event! Some story related content would not go Unappreciated with such amazing characters.