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March 9, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

The Ever Expanding World of Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn

The game that I remember being such a disappointment to many fans and new comers of the series when it was simply labeled FFXIV Online, has made such a turnaround since A Realm Reborn came to life. Now over 3 years old since it’s first release in August 27th, 2013 on Microsoft Windows and PlayStation 3, Heavensward being the latest expansion which released June 2015 and Patch 3.5 The Far Edge of Fate being its latest update released January 17th, 2017; the question is how much bigger are the developers at Square Enix wanting the world of FFXIV to get? Just last year before the release of Final Fantasy XV, a dev had made a comment stating there would be more to come in the future planned specifically for FFXIV. Now here we are with not only the name but also a date to when a new expansion (that’s right fans get excited) will be released and added to the already enormous world of FFXIV. StormBlood will be the next expansion and is looking to be released just 2 years after the Heavensward expansion. The expansion StormBlood is slated for June 20th, 2017 with a teaser trailer already released. More information on the expansion will be released at the annual Final Fantasy Festival February 18th-19th, 2017. From what we know as of now this expansion will include a new adventure in Ala Mhigo, new jobs including Red Mage, new exploration with swimming and diving (oh yes water adventures), level cap increases from 60 to 70, there will be changes to the battle system, new areas to explore, new primal (Lakshmi), new dungeons, new 8 man raid Omega, a new alliance raid, The Forbidden Land of Eureka, new gear and crafting recipes, a fourth residential district and an expanded item inventory. More information from Square Enix is sure to drop during Final Fantasy Festival February 18th and 19th 2017. What are you hoping to see in this new expansion or what are you already excited for that has already been announced to come out with this expansion? Be sure to answer in the comments below. Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn is available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows and OS X. For more information on Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn be sure to keep it locked right here on MagGamer.