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February 23, 2025

Movement Across the Globe

PvP Comes To Farpoint: My Thoughts

Recently this week Impulse Gear released a free expansion for Farpoint that would include 2 PvP game modes, new multiplayer maps, new weapons and new skins all for free. I mean you do have to play to unlock them, but hey they are still free and that’s great.

Now for those unaware, Farpoint is a FPS by Impulse Gear and Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game is exclusively on PlayStation 4’s PlayStation VR and makes use of the new PlayStation Aim Controller. The multiplayer consists of two game modes, Death Match and Uplink. Both game modes are 1v1 unfortunately, but you can spawn different enemy AI that was featured in the campaign as allies to help you complete the game mode’s respective objective.

Though the maps and game modes provide opportunities to make use of every weapon, I find myself and others remaining dear to the assault rifle and shotgun combination. These guns just felt really ideal for every situation and since the AR only has cool down/overheat mechanics, keeping it loaded is never a concern. The shotgun is very essential to getting you out of a pickle in close quarters both wit the enemy player and the enemy AI, as many of the AI try to swarm you or even spawn camp.

The PvP gives you a sense of accomplishment every time as whatever weapons you use and yourself, gain experience after each match is completed. There are also new trophies to be unlocked just adding more on what you can further accomplish in multiplayer.

The AI you spawn up are obviously enemy AI from the game’s original campaign, but they do provide some great back up and can even help you locate your player target as long as you follow into where and who they are shooting. They even remained active after you die so you don’t have to start from scratch after every respawn. However, your AI partners can be eliminated so it’s best to activate/spawn them up as often as you can. Also if you need to change your loadout, you can do so in between times that you die and respawn.

All and all the Farpoint PvP expansion is completely free and has a good amount of new content. However there is only two game modes that are both 1v1 and though spawning AI allies does add some heat onto the battlefield, I believe this only allows them to enjoy the fight more than you since you can’t party up with your own friends. In the future, I think they should look into making game modes/maps at least available for 2v2-4v4 match types and probably having the AI allies as an optional setting for the match creator/party leader. Now don’t get me wrong, I did have fun playing both game modes but I do feel players would enjoy the option to play PvP with their team of buddies.

Farpoint Versus Expansion DLC Trailer|PS4:

Farpoint’s PvP expansion is available right now for free as an update. For more on Farpoint and everything gaming, keep it locked right here on MagGamer.